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The Need

"Leadership is Not About Being in Charge. It's About Taking Care of Those in Our Charge"

Simon Sinek

Why We Exist

Why We Exist

45% of US workers report having experienced mental health illness in their lifetime
84% of workers experienced at least one mental health challenge over the last year
52% of employees don’t feel they get enough support from their employer for their mental wellbeing
68% of millennials and 81% of Gen Zs left their jobs for mental health-related reasons in the last year
Only 38% of HR respondents say that their line managers are equipped to have sensitive conversations around mental health
70% of managers believe there are ‘structural’ barriers to providing mental wellbeing support for their reports
Only 37% of employees feel comfortable using their company’s mental health services.
Untreated depression accounts for a 35% reduction in productivity

ROI of Mental Health Initiatives

Investing in mental health initiatives isn’t just a moral imperative—it’s a sound business strategy.
12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety
Initiatives aimed at improving workplace mental health can yield a return on investment (ROI) of up to 800% through higher productivity, fewer sick days, and lower staff turnover.
Digital tools for mental health support have also seen increased interest, with 47% of employees favoring them now compared to 35% before the pandemic.
Mental health screening, advocacy and training, along with personal therapy programs offer a $6 return for every $1 invested.

Why We Exist

0 %

of US workers report having experienced mental health illness in their lifetime

0 %

of workers experienced at least one mental health challenge over the last year

0 %

of employees don’t feel they get enough support from their employer for their mental wellbeing

0 %

of millennials and 81% of Gen Zs left their jobs for mental health-related reasons in the last year

0 %

of HR respondents say that their line managers are equipped to have sensitive conversations around mental health

0 %

of managers believe there are ‘structural’ barriers to providing mental wellbeing support for their reports

0 %

of employees feel comfortable using their company’s mental health services.

0 %

Untreated depression accounts for a 35% reduction in productivity

Why We Exist

The ROI of Mental Health Initiatives

Investing in mental health initiatives isn’t just a moral imperative—it’s a sound business strategy.
12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety
Initiatives aimed at improving workplace mental health can yield a return on investment (ROI) of up to 800% through higher productivity, fewer sick days, and lower staff turnover.
Digital tools for mental health support have also seen increased interest, with 47% of employees favoring them now compared to 35% before the pandemic.
Mental health screening, advocacy and training, along with personal therapy programs offer a $6 return for every $1 invested.

The ROI of Mental

Health Initiatives

The ROI of Mental Health Initiatives

Join Us

Project 55 is a 501c3 Non-Profit community that empowers both individuals and organizations to proactively improve mental health outcomes in the workplace.

0 %

of US workers report having experienced mental health illness in their lifetime

0 %

of workers experienced at least one mental health challenge over the last year

0 %

of employees don’t feel they get enough support from their employer for their mental wellbeing

0 %

of millennials and 81% of Gen Zs left their jobs for mental health-related reasons in the last year

0 %

of HR respondents say that their line managers are equipped to have sensitive conversations around mental health

0 %

of managers believe there are ‘structural’ barriers to providing mental wellbeing support for their reports

0 %

of employees feel comfortable using their company’s mental health services.

0 %

Untreated depression accounts for a 35% reduction in productivity